From Dana Posted on 5 Feb 19:22 , 0 comments

PSA: Sappy Post❤️
Thanks To ALL of You, Your Family, Friends, Colleges and more...
We have had the Best January in 12 Years❤️🎊❤️🎊❤️
The Website has had the most growth since we launched last March, and the Store has had a 25 % Increase as well!
IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!! We Appreciate Each and Every one of You more than You know! We have an Amazing Staff..(and one in the oven) that truly cares about each of You! I tell you all of this because as You know,
Owning your own business is Hard! It's not as much "Fun" as everyone thinks it is. You truly have to have a passion for what you do because when you own your own business, the hours are long, there are no "days off" your family suffers at times and your health sometimes suffers. I've been told that Retail is not for the Faint Hearted, and I know no other statement to be so true. This week alone, I've cried everyday, worn little to no makeup, and not washed my hair (I know, kinda gross) But I Showed up 😉
To say We are Completely Humbled is a Understatement and We want to Share Our ❤️ For You as You have Shown for Us!
-----> Stay Tuned!! Tomorrow We are Starting Our 1st Huge Giveaway in Our VIP Insiders Group this Year! We won't be disappointed! Add Your Family and Friends that you ❤️

-----> Share this with a Your Friends ❤️

----> join Here

----> Comment With "done" when You've Added people or Joined the VIP Insiders Group 😍
~xoxo Gigi