What to Wear: Graduation Edition
It's May! Which means graduation! Wether it's high school or college! You have to have that perfect outfit!
If you are the graduate, let's get one thing straight! Your outfit WILL NOT be seen during the ceremony! So let's not get crazy and go for a maxi or jeans that WILL be seen under that grad gown. Second off don't wear "challenging" shoes. From walking through the parking lot to walking across the stage and worrying about busting your butt up those 3 steps. This is the day you've been waiting for. Don't mess it up now!
So back to the main subject:
What to wear to graduation:
Find yourself a dress that makes you feel sophisticated. Searching for an "appropriate"dress (grandma approved) for graduation can be difficult sometimes. You want to wear something you feel confident in, but also something that is comfortable and not to tight! Yes, I realize this is a lot to think about! That's why I did the choosing for you these are some of my favorite dresses that would be perfect for a graduation ceremony.
Shoes; So what? Your graduation gown is blue, orange, or green. That doesn’t mean your shoes have to be that color, too. It might feel weird wearing shoes that may clash with your cap and gown, but just rock it sister! Graduation gowns always look better with an unexpected pop of color. What is under that gown doesn’t have have to be the only part of your outfit making a bold statement at your commencement ceremony. Whatever you do, don't get shoes you struggle to walk in through the store! Especially for an event like graduation, where walking across a stage in front of everyone is one of the most important parts. You don't want to be the girl remembered for crashing down right before you got that tiny piece of paper you worked your butt off for.
So with that being said don’t reach for tightest dress in your closet. Instead go for a cute and conservative style that will look appropriate in front of friends,family, teachers...you get if just don't. But since it is your graduation make sure you feel confident, sassy, and ready to take on the world. You did it sister! Congratulations!